Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Bleacher Bums

School bleachers bring back many fond high school memories, mostly Friday night football games. Glancing across the crowd at a hot senior wearing her varsity jacket. Parents screaming at their kids to make a play. Insecure cheerleaders trying to keep a beat. Awkward band members trying to grasp their tubas with frostbitten hands (if you know what I mean). Never did I consider that I could get top dollar by cutting up the bleachers and selling the pieces off to a recycling yard.

Two men were arrested in Massachusetts for doing just that. A neighbor living near the school busted the men when she heard power saws cutting through metal about two hours after seeing a man carrying aluminum through the woods.

I'm guessing these guys had a different high school experience than I did.

2 Charged With Stealing School Bleachers For Scrap []

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