Thursday, September 4, 2008

Starbucks Is Seeing Double

On the heels of its announcement of a new brewing system, Starbucks is rolling out a healthier breakfast menu. The menu focuses on 'portability and beverage pairings.' A high end steakhouse pairs a porterhouse with a Merlot. Starbucks is pairing oatmeal with a vanilla latte.

As for the greasy breakfast sandwiches that Howard Schultz claimed would be discontinued, they are still in my local stores. I hear they will be completely fazed out by year's end, which is a disappointment to me. When I'm looking for coffee and breakfast on-the-go, the Starbucks breakfast sandwiches tip the scale for me when I'm choosing between Dunkin' Donuts, McDonald's and Starbucks.

I wonder how 'portable' its new breakfast options will really be. I've never eaten hot oatmeal while driving. It might be tough to hold a spoon and my iPhone in the same hand.

Starbucks' 'Billion-Dollar' Plan Starts With Breakfast [AdAge]

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